Crimea has been a hot topic of contention since Putin’s Russia annexed the region a little over a year ago, much to the chagrin of the international community trying to preserve the previous balance of power. Fast forward to the present day and a different kind of power has again thrust Crimea into international spotlight following a peninsula-wide blackout.  (more…)

President Vladimir Putin has revealed via a trailer for an upcoming documentary called “Homeward Bound” on state-run television that he was the chief architect behind Crimea’s annexation last year.


Leaders from France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine have come to a ceasefire agreement that would serve to transition eastern Ukraine from a state of war to that of peace.

It is a relief for Europe. – President François Hollande, 12 February 2015, The New York Times.


As Russia prepares to send its fourth “humanitarian” convoy to Eastern Ukraine, it is becoming increasingly apparent that any help offered by the country is unwanted by Ukrainians who identify themselves as such. (more…)